Well last night was probably the worst nights sleep I have ever had before a race. My poor little boy woke up at 12:30 with the worst fever I have ever seen him with. I stayed in his room from 12:30 - 2:30 and my husband picked up the 2:30 - 4:30 shift. :( poor kid. He drank a whole gatorade bottle. I think he was really dehydrated. I woke Wes up to see if he wanted to go, he said no, so I left with my sister Leandra and my neighbors Chad & Larry. Wes called 10 minutes later said he couldn't go back to sleep and he was coming! I did a small warm up, but not much. I started w/ Lily & Lynsey. I saw Mary & Kyle Q., Kerri C. and Melody W. from our ward at the start as well.
Mile Splits: 1 - 7.21 2 - 6.39 3 - 6.46 4 - 6.59 5 - 7.01 6 - 6.54 Overall I am very pleased with my time. My goal was nothing over 7.30. Mile 1 is slower than I would have liked, but the rest was good. I met Kellies and Kelli at the finish line. Nice to meet you girls. I saw Tyler S as well, but didn't get a chance to talk to him.
Then my daughter Kamrie ran in the 1 mile race. She did so good! A 12:30 mile for a 5 year old! So proud of her. Wes did awesome today as well. His time was 50 and some change. :) Good job all of you runners and bloggers!!! I can't wait to read everyone's race reports. I won 18 holes of golf today during the raffle too. That was cool...for my husband :).
PS Lily I have your medal! 
